Mahavira Hall

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"No, we would not like a rickshaw"

"Excuse me, excuse me sir, would you like a taxi?"
"I said no...."
"Excuse me, where are you going?"
"Mumble mumble..."
(we are continuing to walk forward, and the autorickshaw is creeping along beside us)
"Excuse me, only 10 ruppes to the Parliament,  only 10 ruppees to national museum.  10 ruppees to shopping."
"We don't need a taxi, thank you"
"Sir, sir, your feet are looking tired.  And your wife (we got this constantly too) there, she looks tired.  You know you want a taxi"
"No, I don't"
"Oh, you are going to eat?  Where is your hotel?  I can wait for you to get done and then take you to your hotel"
"Please don't.  We don't need a taxi"
"Its a cheap ride, very cheap sir, best there is."
"I don't care.  Go aWay"
"sir, just get in, right here, door on the left"
"NO.  I do not want a taxi!!"
But sir, no need to be rude..."
(we now ignore tehe taxi driver and continue walking)

This conversation demonstrates our typical interactions with autorickshaw drivers in Delhi, which happen about every 2 minutes or less walking down the street. Most conversations don't go through the whole gamut, but do have at least a part of it.  We also have learned to start ignoring them much earlier in the conversation, which eventually always works. Its also interesting that the drivers very rarely talk to me, only to Max - I guess they assume he's in charge and/or has the money. Needless to say, having this brief, frustrating conversation over and over gets pretty annoying, and has made us averse to taking autorickshaws even when we really do need it.

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