Mahavira Hall

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reverse Culture Shock

Overall, reverse culture shock wasn't nearly so bad as people make it out to be.  Maybe I wasn't in China long enough, or I hadn't truly integrated into the culture enough, but I haven't found most things all that 'different' or strange about American cities and living.  A few things I have noticed include:
-the blue sky.  its amazing, and so sad that its so polluted in China that many Chinese people don't know it can make a day beautiful
-lack of people.  especially in stores - the grocery store in Beijing is CRAZY with salespeople yelling, people jostling carts and bags, kids pooping, etc…I went to Meijers with my mom and sister and felt a little insecure the aisles were so big and empty!
- sky-high prices.  I was expecting this, but it kills me that I can't spent less than the equivalent of 100 RMB for dinner at a medium-cheap place here.  for the first few weeks I kept thinking of how much money I was spending…its gotten better though.
-my stomach.  My stomach actually didn't like being at home for a few days - I guess I got more used to Chinese food than I thought! (or maybe French food I guess…)
riot of readable signage.  i've gotten used to blissfully walking by most storefronts, ads, billboards, roadsigns, without having the faintest idea what they say - for a few days it was information overload when I got back.

And that's about it - after being back in the US for about 3 weeks, I've mostly stopped noticing things, although I still occasionally wince when buying things.  My utilities for my first month will likely be more than they were for my whole stay in China - I paid $100 for 10 months of gas, water, and electricity - crazy!  And there are so many nice things about being home - seeing loved ones, being back in familiar places, short travel times between things in the city, and being understood in stores and offices.  I feel so lucky now when I go into an office or a store and I am helped immediately, with little to no misunderstanding, but only if I initiate contact, without any pushiness!  Amazing!  

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